01631 562269
37-39 Stevenson Street, Oban, PA34 5NA

Funeral Support Payment

A Funeral Support Payment from Social Security Scotland is intended to help you pay for a funeral if you live in Scotland and you are the person responsible for arranging the funeral.

Who can get a Funeral Payment?

You can get a Funeral Support Payment if all of the following apply:

  • You live in Scotland
  • You or your partner are getting certain benefits or tax credits
  • The person who died lived in the UK
  • You are applying after the person has died, until 6 months after the date of their funeral
  • You or your partner are responsible for the funeral
  • It is reasonable for you or your partner to accept responsibility for the funeral costs

You must be in receipt of any of the following benefits:

  • Child Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Working Tax Credit (disability or severe disability element)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

What does the Funeral Payment cover?

A Funeral Support Payment will contribute towards the costs of a simple, respectful, low-cost funeral. This includes:

For Burials:

  • The cost of a new burial plot with an exclusive right of burial or the cost of reopening an existing grave

For Cremations:

  • The fees charged by the authority responsible for the cremation
  • The cost of removal of an active implanted medical device (eg, a pacemaker)

And in any case:

  • A contribution of up to £1000 for any other funeral expenses (eg. towards funeral directors fees).
  • The cost of documentation needed for the immediate release of assets of the deceased.
  • When it is necessary to move the body over 50 miles within the UK to the funeral director’s premises or place of rest, the reasonable cost of that part of the journey which is over 50 miles.
  • Where the return journey to the funeral is necessarily over 50 miles, the reasonable cost of that part of the return journey that is over 50 miles for the transport of the coffin and bearers, plus one additional vehicle.
  • The necessary cost of a return journey for you, either to arrange the funeral or go to the funeral.